Oh, so I've blogged before on a private website, but nothing on the great big WWW... here goes!
I baked cappucino cheesecake brownies yesterday ( see http://www.canadianliving.com/ for the recipe) & mopped the floor -twice, since my toddler decided to pee on it after the first mopping. Although I've always wanted to be one, being a parent has not been a dream job or a walk in the park (unless it's an old park with a lot of pot-holes and pit-falls). Oh, it has it's rewards - I hope my children take care of me when I'm old - but it's a lot of hard work, both physically and emotionally, not to mention financially.
Speaking of the hard work, it's 9pm... the floor needs mopping & I need sleep. I really hope I get some tonight! I'll write about Surprise: life another time.